
Media Politics: A Citizen's Guide (Third Edition), W.W. Norton, Shanto Iyengar
Media Politics encourages students to examine how the media affect American politics and how politicians influence the media in order get elected, stay in power, and achieve policy goals. Drawing on recent events and the most current research, including the work of Professor Iyengar, Media Politics is the most up-to-date introductory text available.

News That Matters: Television and American Opinion, Updated Edition, The University of Chicago Press, Shanto Iyengar & Donald R. Kinder
Backed by careful analysis of public opinion surveys, the authors show how, despite changing American politics, those issues that receive extended coverage in the national news become more important to viewers, while those that are ignored lose credibility. Moreover, those issues that are prominent in the news stream continue to loom more heavily as criteria for evaluating the president and for choosing between political candidates. Updated for the twenty-first century, with a new preface and epilogue by the authors.

Political Communication in China: Convergence or Divergence Between the Media and Political System? , Routledge, Wenfang Tan & Shanto Iyengar (Eds.)
Political Communication in China examines the two factors which have contributed to the rapid development of media infrastructure in China: technology and commercialization. Economic development led to technological advancement, which in turn brought about the rapid modernization of all forms of communication, from ‘old’ media such as television to the Internet, cell phones, and satellite communications. This volume examines how these recent developments have affected the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and the mass media.

Do the Media Govern?: Politicians, Voters, and Reporters in America, SAGE Publications, Shanto Iyengar & Richard Reeves (Eds.)
This comprehensive reader is the first book dealing with the media and American politics that brings together the perspectives of academics, reporters, commentators, campaign consultants, and policy advocates. The contributions blend together the best social science research on political communication with the expertise of some of this country's leading journalists and political consultants.

Going Negative?: How Political Advertisements Shrink & Polarize the Electorate, Free Press, Stephen Ansolabehere & Shanto Iyengar
Excerpt and Video Advertising Manipulations
The polarization of American politics is not an accident. The uncivil atmosphere of Washington is not a happenstance. Both of them are direct byproducts of the dominant means of political communication, the 30-second campaign ads, whose increasingly negative tone and content heighten partisanship and drive centrist and independent voters away from the ballot box.

Is Anyone Responsible?: How Television Frames Political Issues, The University of Chicago Press, Shanto Iyengar
A disturbingly cautionary tale, Is Anyone Responsible? anchors with powerful evidence suspicions about the way in which television has impoverished political discourse in the United States and at the same time molds American political consciousness.

Explorations in Political Psychology, Duke University Press, Shanto Iyengar & William J. McGuire (Eds.)
Mapping the territory where political science and psychology intersect, Explorations in Political Psychology offers a broad overview of the the field of political psychology--from itshistorical evolution as an area of inquiry to the rich and eclectic array of theories, concepts, and methods that mark it as an emerging discipline.

The Media Game: American Politics in the Television Age, Macmillan, Stephen Ansolabehere, Roy Behr & Shanto Iyengar